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industrija 4.0
KA 229: Media Smart Citizens of Future

The ability to “read” diverse kinds of media and evaluate them critically has become a pivotal skill since we get most of our information via different media channels in digital ge.Moreover, on considering the fact we live in the post-truth era,where the phenomenon “fake news” shows up,it is an undeniable fact that media literacy has been of utmost importance.Media literacy is delineated as“ability to access; to understand and critically evaluate different aspects and contexts of media and to create communications in a variety of contexts” (EC, 2007).Media literacy is listed among the key competences in the ET 2020 strategic framework, as necessary for employability,innovation and active citizenship and hold a central position in the new priorities for the next 5 years.Moreover, a commitment to media literacy is strongly pointed out by the EU Education Ministers as a way to strengthen young people's ability to think critically.The issue also follows up the objectives of the Paris Declaration to promote critical thinking,media literacy and intercultural understanding. In fact, tolerance, justice, solidarity, integrity and non-discrimination are values endorsed by EU.However, owing to the difference of concerns, mass media do not abide by these values at times.On the contrary, it prompts concerns that can be identified and refrained solely through developed media literacy skill.Our project aims at promoting these skills

which raise awareness of media manipulation and providing the participants with the knowledge and power for efficient and safe use of media channels.To solve the problems as to media illiteracy, we formed a team with the teachers in our school, conducted research on media literacy and participated in online courses via MOOC as well as 8-week critical thinking course.We have arranged various activities within the framework of the information

we have acquired, but we have not solved our problem to attain the goals we have set, so we are in dire need of conducting this project to raise literacy levels of students at least 30% in 2 years time. The results of the media literacy skills scale that we have implemented at our school share the same situation with our partners. The results of the needs and swot analyses were attached to Annexes Part. In a study by Lessenski(2018), which

supports our findings, the statistics show media literacy index for Spain, Portugal, Lithuania, Italy, Croatia, Turkey are 60%,59%,55%,50%,44%,16% respectively. Therefore, the coordinating school felt the necessity to look for the solution in the European dimension to share good practices for improving media literacy with other European actors.Consequently, the coordinator decided to collaborate with 5 schools attaching importance to media literacy

and conducting studies to tackle the problem to enable pupils to become more conscious media consumers having the ability of critically thinking, engaged and thoughtful future adults of the digital age.

Objavio : admin, 10.09.2020 23:08
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KA 229: History and its effects on today's youth (HEY)

The European Commission has proposed a new framework for cooperation on youth (2019-2027). This framework proposes to focus on three different areas of action: “Fostering young people's participation in civic and democratic life, connecting young people across the European Union and beyond to foster voluntary engagement, learning mobility, solidarity and intercultural understanding and (...).” The project HEY clearly meets those two (of three) areas. The project aims to develop the student’s democratic insight as well as their intercultural understanding. When students learn of their own nation’s and Europe’s dramatic past, it will be clear that democracy and intercultural understanding are the answers to the challenges we struggle with in Europe today. Three of the partners are experienced in working in Erasmus+ projects and are aware of the need to include international cooperation in their schools and put emphasis on the skills students will need in the future. Partners studied the strategic documents of the European Commission and national documents (Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, Eurydice Report...) in light og partner schools’

local plans. While working both online and during a project planning onsite meeting in Croatia, where all partners concluded that none of them have enough experience at introducing innovative methods and that there is a lot we can learn from each other.

The exchange of good practices and sharing knowledge will help us introduce more innovative and ICT based teaching methods, improve the learning outcomes and adapt partner schools’ strategic plans. Partners will put students in the centre of the learning process. The key issues to be dealt with during the project will be: understanding of historical context, democratic and civic competences, developing critical thinking and media literacy.

The premise of our hypothesis is that a person’s perspective and understanding of society is shaped by the country where he/she is raised, and that specific country’s collective historical context. Therefore this project should be carried out transnationally. Our aim is to see how we can develop teaching methods and tools within the subjects of history and social science that can both help promote a deeper understanding of today’s Europe, and promote and stimulate our students' democratic understanding and their shared international responsibilities. Specifically we will be encouraged to work against the form of ethnocentrism that makes it more difficult for people to integrate and succeed in today’s Europe. We wish to study how young people in Europe look at the current political climate and assess both traditional media's and social media’s role in this.

Objavio : admin, 10.09.2020 23:05
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Erasmus+ KA 229: Raising Responsible Citizens

Raising Responsible Citizen (RRC) is an Erasmus+ KA229 project carried out by five partner schools: Gymnasio Gennadiou (Greece), Zespol Szkol im. Macieja Rataja (Poland), Agrupamento de Escolas de Benavente (Portugal), Fatsa Cahit Zarifoglu Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey) and Srednja škola Ban Josip Jelačić (Croatia) as the project coordinator. They had been chosen based on previous cooperation in KA1 and eTwinning projects and shared areas of interest: improving the 21st century skills and competences through innovative teaching methods as well as dealing with the issues connected with (cyber)bullying, student depression and early school leaving. Teachers and students have benefited working transnationally on this project by sharing examples of good practices and encouraging student to take active part in their education and be more tolerant and responsible. The project consisted of two types of events - joint staff events (JSEs) with the objective to enhance teaching practice by using innovative student centered methods (problem based, flipped, blended and outdoor, role play, augmented reality games learning) and in this way help students develop their transversal and soft skills, and student learning events (SLEs) with objectives to help students change their attitudes towards themselves, others and the EU thus becoming responsible and active citizens who will promote European cultural heritage. This has added to the European dimension to partner schools increasing the visibility. Teachers took part in exchanges of good practices enhancing their knowledge on using innovative teaching methods. They presented and adjusted their lesson plans, developed joint ones for planned outdoor learning activities in SLEs, created RRC ebook and dissemination e-magazine, delivered lessons in the teaching assignments in the host schools and participated in job shadowing. Those not travelling were involved in preparation and dissemination activities. In SLEs all students collaborated with their peers from partner schools virtually and those travelling, onsite by participating in planned activities with the following results: project’s logo, European Green Alley (tree planting), quizzes of citizens’ awareness of the emergencies, digital posters about emergency procedures, announcement of a book raising campaign, augmented reality location based game, films of the role play Raising Our Hand For a Democracy For All and the simulation of the future European Parliament, The 2030’s Universal Declaration on Democracy, e-magazines published after SLEs, blog, QR codes as city guides and journals on volunteering. Results are available online on project’s and schools’ websites, social networks and on eTwinning which was used as examples of good practice for Citizenship Education and inspiration to change. These have partly become part of schools’ Curriculums and Annual Plans.

Krajnji rezultat: 

Web stranica projekta

Objavio : admin, 10.09.2020 22:56
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Erasmus+ KA 229: New Teaching Methodologies

Šest europskih partnerskih škola odlučilo se umrežiti kako bi poboljšalo svoje vještine i kompetencije 21. stoljeća inovativnim nastavnim metodama. Nastavnici i učenici će imati koristi od rada na ovom projektu dijeljenjem primjera dobre prakse i poticanjem učenika na aktivno sudjelovanje u svom obrazovanju, tolerantan odnos prema drugima, odgovornost i razvijanje transverzalnih vještina. Mi kao nastavnici želimo pomoći učenicima da promijene svoj stav prema sebi, drugima i EU, postajući tako odgovornim i aktivnim građanima koji će promovirati europsku kulturnu baštinu.

Krajnji rezultat: 

Web stranica projekta


Objavio : admin, 10.09.2020 22:48
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O projektu
Nastava 21. stoljeća

Našoj školi odobren je europski projekt Nastava 21. stoljeća u sklopu ERASMUS+ programa, kojem je cilj osuvremeniti nastavu i učiniti našu školu vidljivijom u zajednici u vrijednosti 19.000 EUR ( Unapređivanje kvalitete rukovođenja škole je jedan od prioriteta Europskog razvojnog plana naše ustanove. Uvođenjem inovativnih metoda i povećanjem IKT i jezičnih kompetencija, cilj je učenika staviti u središte učenja, poticati ga na kritičko razmišljanje, kreativnost, inovativnost, suradnju, primjenu znanja i poduzetništvo. Time će se postići i veća motiviranost učenika. Stečena znanja, vještina i kompetencija te rezultati mobilnosti bit će predstavljeni na Danima otvorenih vrata, Diseminacijskoj platformi za rezultate projekata programa Erasmus+, na web-stranici škole i u lokalnim medijima te na eTwinning grupi The 21st Century Classroom.

Osam nastavnika (jedan nastavnik hrvatskog jezika, dva nastavnika engleskog jezika, jedan nastavnik njemačkog jezika, jedan nastavnik povijesti, jedan nastavnik sociologije, politike i gospodarstva, jedan nastavnik matematike i jedan nastavnik ekonomske grupe predmeta) i stručni suradnik pedagog planiraju odlazak na devet mobilnosti (strukturirani tečajevi).

Nakon povratka s mobilnosti, sudionici će poboljšati kvalitetu svoje nastave te diseminirati stečena znanja, vještine i kompetencije u vlastitoj ustanovi, a zatim i na Županijskim stručnim vijećima (ŽSV) putem predavanja i radionica (upotreba IKT, primjena inovativnih metoda poučavanja - obrnuta učionica, projektno učenje, suradničko i kombinirano učenje, informatizacija nastave i poslovanja škole, poduzetništvo). Učenici će s izrađenim projektima sudjelovati na različitim natjecanjima (LiDraNo, filmska i radijska natjecanja...), što će im uz ocjenu i znanje biti oblik priznavanja rada. Dobivenim potvrdama nakon održavanja ŽSVa, nastavnici stječu bodove za napredovanja u struci.

Dugoročni utjecaj projekta na školu i osoblje škole očitovat će se u uvrštavanju novonaučenih znanja u školski kurikulum i nastavni plan i program u svrhu poboljšanja kvalitete provedbe naših obrazovnih programa. Po završetku mobilnosti započet ćemo novi međunarodni eTwinning projekta s partnerima pronađenim na mobilnostima. Dio je strateškog plana škole sudjelovanje u partnerstvima u okviru programa Erasmus+ te intenzivnija online komunikacija s javnošću. Ostvarene mobilnosti nastavnika po različitim dijelovima Europe i suradnjom s kolegama iz različitih zemalja te održavanjem kontakata i razmjenom iskustva te mogućim partnerstvima na projektima donosi se europska dimenzija u školu. Škola postaje e-škola.


Pratite nas na našoj facebook stranici:

eTwinning platformi:

Službeni logo projekta (JPG)

Lokalna zajednica redovito je informirana u događanjima vezanim uz rad škole i projekta (PDF)

Objavio : admin, 25.11.2017 11:37
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Strani jezik
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Digital learning using the paradigm of cultural heritage environment of Rhodes

Objavio : admin, 22.11.2017 11:29
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Uprava škole – School Leadership
Objavio : admin, 20.11.2017 22:00
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